Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Score Prediction - ISU

Nice job picking TT to win...you suck storo!

Drop your predictions for ISU week like they're hot...

Past Winners:
Wk 1 Rowan (off by 7)
Wk 2 Kovar (off by 3)
Wk 3 Jenna (off by 7)
Wk 4 Dean (off by 13)
Wk 5 Jose Angel Rivera Juarez (off by 6)
Wk 6 Storo (off by 18)

Scenes from TT Tailgate...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Dean's List

Our Huskers didn't show up Saturday...disappointing and surprising.

No Option tailgaters did show up...not surprising!

What surprised me this week at No Option?
  • needing heaters in mid-October (wait until November 21st against KSU)
  • able to set up and dismantle tailgate in less than 45 minutes each time
  • visitor from Houston
  • the number of adults enjoying the hot chocolate treats...wonder why?
  • ages of tailgaters...youngest 3 years old to the oldest 50 +
  • Steve M. wearing black...not
  • Dave H. and Jerry D. discussing the joy of surgical procedures pertaining to knee replacements...not
  • number of kids Kristi and Tod have...Tod you're the man!
  • able to find the equipment in the cold weather
  • text from Iowa State fan (Bill S.) questioning "what the hell is going on in the game" at halftime?

What surprised you...leave a comment.

Nebraska: 31 Iowa State: 14

Monday, October 12, 2009

Score Predictions - Texas Tech

Drop your predictions for TT week like they're hot...

Past Winners:
Wk 1 Rowan (off by 7)
Wk 2 Kovar (off by 3)
Wk 3 Jenna (off by 7)
Wk 4 Dean (off by 13)
Wk 5 Jose Angel Rivera Juarez (off by 6)

Compliments of Tara...

Dean's List

College Football…it’s a new game… “Who would have guessed?”

Who would have guessed that Nebraska would beat Missouri starting the 4th quarter behind by 12 points? Not me…

Who would have guessed we would have 6 inches of snow Saturday morning…in October…during prime time football season…glad we had an off day! Not me…

Who would have guessed the Cubs winning their first playoff series this year (not)? Not me…keep feeding the goat

Who would have guessed that Oklahoma has a better chance of having three losses than Nebraska when we play November 7th? Not me…

Who would have guessed…Mark May showing us some love (Suh)? Not me…

Who would have guessed crazy No Option tailgaters at crazy Waco this year? Not me…we know who you are

Add you’re ‘Who would have guessed?’ questions…

Nebraska: 38 Texas Tech: 21