Monday, September 29, 2008

Let's Hear from You...

Let's Hear from You...Scroll down and fill out the poll on the right side screen. This week:

How many points will Mizzou win by?

Scenes from Va Tech Tailgate...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Margarita Man - This Week

The Margarita Man will make his 2008 debut this weekend for the VA Tech game!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Score Predictions - Virginia Tech

Drop your score predictions like their hot! (Put them in the comments section).

Past Winners:

Week 1: WMU – Jon List (Off by 9)
Week 2: SJSU – Matt List (Off by 4)
Week 3: NMSU - Matt List (Off by 6)

Let's Hear from You...

Let's Hear from You...Scroll down and fill out the poll on the right side screen. This week:

How should the RB carries be distributed?

Dean's List

When is 'Bo' going to pull a 'Woody'?

What is the over/under number of games before 'Bo' pulls a 'Woody'?...10, 20, 30, ?

What is a 'Woody'? Goggle U-tube for Woody Hayes...for Football History 101.

Who is going to be the recipient of 'Bo' pulling a 'Woody'? Will it be a media representative, a heckling fan, a NU player not giving 100%, an opposing coach running up the score, a game official making a questionable call, an opposing player, etc...? How will TO respond to the 'Woody' incident?

In games to date we have seen Bo called for an unsportsmanship like penalty called in a bowl game, demonstrating to Coach Synder that he was # 1, calling a time out with 2 seconds left in a game in which he was winning by 20 + points, etc...

Woody Hayes was intense...Bo is intense...both demand effort and excellence on the field.

Let's keep winning so the ghost of 'Woody' remains buried...and our coach is not suspended by TO, the Big 12 or the NCAA.

NU: 27 Virgina Tech: 24

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bye weeks suck, Hurricanes blow, and the Huskers are...

UNDERRATED. That's right we're underrated. But for once it's us (well actually you) who are the egregious underraters. The media is in love with Mizzou, Kansas, TT, and OU (with good reason), and sure, to the naked eye Nebraska does not appear to be in that class. But you? You have insight, intel, and season tickets. So why am I the only one who recognizes that Nebraska is going to smash expectations? Now I ain't no masterrater and it's possible I've been guilty a time or two of overrating...but that's neither here nor there.

Why I like what I see:
1) The offense takes what opposing defenses gives them. THIS IS HUGE. It's definitely reason numero uno why you are wrong and I am right. I'm sure we all remember the days of Callahan spewing propaganda about establishing the run. But the only thing Billy successfully established was that he was horse-shit at play-calling. Even my shi-tzu Wrigley (GO CUBS GO) recognized we couldn't run against USC in the Coliseum, but did we adjust the game plan? Rhetorical. That's why it was freaking sweet to see us pass, pass, pass in games 1 and 2 when opponents would stack the box (of course seeing our ground game clicking in game 3 was very comforting).

2) The Defense will get better every game. And we are already light years ahead of last....eehhhh oowwlwaaa huulll yhoouw wlwwaa...sorry I just pictured Cosgrove's retarded ass and threw up in my mouth. So, yeah...we're already ahead of last year. How sweet is it to have a competent defensive coordinator? Yeah it's sweet.

3) The option game. Honestly this has the potential to become a huge threat. I truly think it could be more than just a novelty wrinkle and could evolve into a game changing element that makes defenses have to prepare to defend everything (especially next year with our hotshot QB recruit). I just know T.O. is going to have a hand in developing it. Sure, Ron Brown knows what's up, but Dr. Tom is the Bill Brasky of the option attack. I'm nipples are getting hard just thinking about this.

In summation, most of you think we win 7 or 8 or 9 games. You are wrong. We beat VT, ISU, Baylor, KU, KSU and CU. And at least 1 more (my guess is TT). That's 10 wins. And we can beat Mizzou and OU. Not saying we will win or even keep them close...but winning is a possibility. The Big 12 North may even be in play. Mizzou and OU are better than us and should beat us. But we won't be pushovers and won't be under the radar much longer.

VT prediction:
Our coming out party - NU 30 VT 10

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Scenes from the New Mexico State Tailgate...

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Score Predictions - New Mexico State

Drop your score predictions like their hot! (Put them in the comments section).

Past Winners:

Week 1: WMU – Jon List (Off by 9)

Week 2: SJSU – Matt List (Off by 4)

Let's Hear from You...

Let's Hear from You...Scroll down and fill out the poll on the right side screen. This week:

Who is your most hated Big 12 team?

Dean's List

Week # 3 and bring on New Mexico State Aggies ... what did I learn from game # 2?

1. A win is a win...but it was ugly....2 - 0 and with the other Big 12 teams smiling
2. Problems...the same...questions about our tackling, running game, play selection, etc...
3. Enough said...

How do we get better? My suggestion...let's look at 'our house' first...

"No Option" tailgate in review after two weeks. My thoughts...TO and BO have used game officials in daily team practices. Should we designate a weekly "No Option" tailgate official for rule violations?

In my biased and strictly unofficial role I can identify numerous actual and/or potential "No Option" penalties...

1. The trailer was late for tailgating set-up time# will never happen again
2. Emergency beer runners were needed for game # 1 due to underestimated consumption
3. Jan Braun went to a family wedding...15 yards
4. Ken Kovar was scheduled to work during game # time call in sick
5. Ben Mussman paid over face value for a game # 1 ticket
6. Kevin and parking managements lack of upgrading to HDTV satellite dishes...

I need you help to identify actual or potential penalties...let's hear from you!!!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Scenes from the SJSU Tailgate...

Tailgaters of the Week - SJSU

Tim & Ken

For dominating the grill. Excellent kabobs guys.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Score Prediction - San Jose State

What is your prediction for Saturday's game?

Leave your score in the comments section.

Dean's List

What did we enjoy, learn and laugh about after Game # 1:

1. A win is a win...1 - 0
2. No Option supporters were thirsty...numerous beer runners are to be thanked
3. Dave Hepp is better on his 3rd knee...welcome back
4. Is there a 'Doctor" in the house?
5. The No Option Bo-liever Sponsors are awesome...thanks for your contributions
6. Jail time for...the trailer thieves
7. A Bo-eautiful sunshine and warm day for tailgate # 1 of 8
8. Tim Gz and his apprentice chefs are ready for prime time
9. Jan Braun was a no-show...apparently unwilling to do the 'walk of shame'
10. Nancy Mayhan for the traditional 'N' brownies and authentic NU football
11. NU students still can't count...they sit wherever TO tells them (nose bleed section)
12. No Option 2nd annual bus trip to Ames is taking reservations...'Get-R-Done' before you lose your seat
13. 2008 projected record: 6-6 is hopeful, 7-5 is dreaming, 8-4 would be a miracle
14. Jon and Jose...Rule # can run out of food but not beer
15. Denise and Vicki are on the parking patrol for illegally parked vehicles and 'out of order' facilities
16. Sarah...we hope Ben remembers the 2008 opener...the 2007 opener was a rough day and night
17. Fresh, hot, buttered popcorn, washer game, pub tables, etc... are a welcomed addition
18. Tailgate set-up and tear-down volunteers are always welcomed...thanks for the game # 1 help
19. Welcome tailgate virgin...Alyssa L....telephone number...555.1212
20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Abby Kellen...# 6

Monday, September 01, 2008

Tailgaters of the Week - WMU

Ben & Sara Mussmann

Ben - For making the 14 hour drive with 2 speeding tickets and a warning & for giving in to the ticket scalpers to make it into the game.

Sara - For breaking out the beer bong early & often.


Only 16 spots remain open for this year's road trip game!!!

Contact Jon or Dean asap to reserve your spot.

Let's Hear from You...

After the first game, what is your biggest concern?

Let's hear your answer...fill out the poll in the bottom right hand side of the screen.

Scenes from the Western Michigan Tailgate...